
Are you stressed out by the demands of your job? Struggling to be understood in your workplace? Searching for fresh meaning in your life and career?

Coaching can help you uncover new, powerful, life-enhancing options. I can help you explore what you really want for yourself at work, and how to make it happen.

Making sense of work 

2008-05-27 01.17.28-1I  work with  many people who are new to their workplace, role or sector, helping them to make sense of their new environment.  Together, we identify the changes you may need to make to succeed. I provide resources and support as you work to develop new habits, skills, relationships and vision.

New to the U.S. or Washington DC? 

Originally from Ireland, I have built a successful life and career in the U.S. since 2000 and enjoy working with other newcomers to Washington DC or the United States, Recent clients have come to the U.S. from Egypt, India, Austria ,Poland and the U.K. Talk to me if you are trying to establish your role and career in this city or this country–I know it can be hard at first.

IMG_2749Mid-career change 

If you no longer find your current profession fulfilling, you may be considering a career change. I made the leap from media executive to executive education and took a life-changing risk to become a parent in my 40s.  I know both the challenges and the rewards of personal and professional reinvention. Work with me to change your life.

Communicating who you are and what matters to you

My background in communications has proved very useful to clients who struggle to be seen and heard at work, or to wish to improve their professional polish. I can help you make your values and vision clear to those you seek to influence. I can also help you  raise the visibility of your enterprise or professional skills through social media outreach.

Top 5 reasons for working with a coach:

improve self esteem/self confidence | improve work/life balance | explore career opportunities | improve business management skills and/or relationships at work | work on interpersonal and communications skills | source: ICF Global Client Coaching Study, April 2009

2 Responses to Home

  1. Steve Young says:

    Hi Liz. My name is Steve Young. I teach a Student Leadership course at the University of Maryland- College Park. I hope you are doing well. I’m hoping to integrate several guest speakers into my course. I stumbled upon your leadership coaching site and would be interested in talking with you further about the possibility of you visiting my class sometime in the fall. The course focuses on “relational leadership theory” empowering participants in groups and organizations toward positive social change. Let me know your thoughts. Thanks!


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